About me
William Salame
Game programmer
  • Full Name
    William Salame
  • Age
  • Nationality
  • Email
  • Passions
    Video game, board games, singing, fiddling
  • Favorite games
    Baldur's gate I, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tale of Symphonia
Hello ! My name's William Salame and I'm a developer living in Belgium. I learned programming at UCL through a bachelor and a master in Computer Sciences. During my journey as a developer, continuous learning by fiddling with side projects was and still is integral to my growth. Sometimes it's about making simple scripts or tools for games I play, while some other time it's about building game prototypes or software applications. This gave me the opportunity to experiment multiples technologies and programming languages. I'm confident in handling paradigms or problems unknown to me and I trust my curiosity and rigour to help me build strong and durable solutions. After my studies i started working as a developer but I felt something missing, I love coding but my job missed a purpose. That's when I realised that I need projects that moves me, things I can share with the people I love. I then decided that making games was the path i wanted to follow so I studied one more year as a game programmer at CG Academy. That's how I fell in love with the responsibilities and duties of being a gameplay programmer and making tools for games which rocked my childhood.